Threesome Texas Scramble - Double Peoria
The total prize money is MOP 200,000 which will be awarded to the four teams who finish in one of the four categories with the best gross and net scores. In turn they will donate the money to a local charity of their choice. Competition will take place between teams of three and, aside from the tournament's cash prizes, all other monies raised by the charitable event will go into to a special fund set up to benefit local institutions and organizations other than those selected by the tournament's winners.
In this year's edition there are a few changes to the organization and regulations of the tournament. One of the major changes is that the golf tournament is no longer divided into two days. Furthermore the organizers has decided to concentrate the playing into just one fun-packed day. The organizers decided to only allow professional players participate if they team up with a Special Olympics athlete who has to be counted into the score with nine shots. In addition, an entire Special Olympics team will compete in this year's tournament, and sponsorships for this team are more than welcome.
Furthermore, this year's tournament will include the "mulligan-rule". In golf, a mulligan is a stroke that is replayed from the spot of the previous stroke. The result, as the hole is played and scored, is as if the first errant shot had never been made. For instance, if a ball was being played into some bushes the player can retake the shot from the previous position using a mulligan. Mulligans speed up the play by reducing the time spent searching for a lost ball, and reduce frustration increasing enjoyment of the game, as a player can "shake off" a bad shot more easily with his second chance.
Each flight (team) is allowed to use three mulligans which are available for sale going towards the charity money. The mulligan prizes are:
MOP 1000,00 for the first,
MOP 1500,00 for the second,
MOP 2000,00 for the third mulligan.
Caesars Golf Macau
Your team will face the usual tournament mode at Caesars Golf Macau on 18 holes in conjunction with the YES putting contest. The scores and penalties from both rounds will count towards the final results of the 2013 tournament and towards the MOP 200,000 prize money. Special trophies will be awarded for the Longest Drive, Nearest to the Pin, Best Performing Team and Play of the Day.
The Macau Professional Golfer's Association - the MPGA - will be responsible for the sporting aspects of the event of the charity-golf. By popular demand the tournament will observe a 'Threesome Texas Scramble' format, allowing both experienced golfers and more recent converts to the game to compete on a more balanced level.